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How the Seasons Help Bring Me Back to Self


Having grown up in a 4-seasons state, and then living the last 5 years without fall or winter, I sure am loving these nostalgic crisp mornings and cozy early evenings on the couch with my husband and dog.

If you didn't know, my birthday was about two weeks ago and marked the start of Autumn and Libra Season. I am 100% without a doubt a full blown Libra. I have a pure love for humanity, see beauty in all things, strive for balance + harmony, and am deeply empathetic. I am always looking at both sides of the story with an understanding that we all have our shit - so to speak. We're all human. We all deserve gentleness. This time of year always reminds me of that part of me and helps me come back to myself.

This time of year is also when I naturally thrive on an introspective level.

I truly believe that humans are more in sync with nature than we allow ourselves to recognize most of the time. In such a fast past and tech savvy world, it's easy to become disconnected from not only our primal roots but simply, from our ourselves as well.

For me, this time of year reminds me of the life cycles that exist.

Just as nature goes through cycles, so do we. In spring we awaken and sprout up with a sense of newness, in summer we thrive and celebrate in the sun, in autumn we start to turn inward and notice changes within ourselves as we prepare for a sort of "death" through the cold months of winter and the end of the year (or a version of ourselves).

I believe we are given these seasons as reminders and opportunities to grow, to rebuild and to let go of what doesn't serve us and to hold on to what does.

I'm realizing now (that I'm back in a 4-seasons state) that this change in the weather was something my body + soul were deeply missing. I was "off-course" so to speak, on the hamster wheel of life in an almost unconscious cycle of just getting the days done. Does that sound familiar? I personally needed the natural reminder of this season that it's okay to rest, that it's time to slow down, and that I can let go of the stuff I've been hanging on to and make new space for new experiences, new people, and new lessons and more growth.

I like to think of us like a tree.

The tree continues to grow so big, so tall, so strong and so wise, but it never takes the same leaves with it on it's way. Every year it's blossoms, it's grows, it endures a lot from the elements, and then it changes and it let's go - and then does it all over again - taller, stronger, wiser.

So I hope you're able to move into this season with a similar perspective.

That everything and everyone has the opportunity to evolve, that we can all continue to grow while shedding the leaves that no longer serve us, and taking our lessons with us as we grow.

One way I do this is by simply saying yes to things that feel good, and no to things that don't.

It is the simplest and most easeful practice towards living an aligned life. If this intimidates you, start small. This can be as a simple as saying no to a party invite that you feel like you "have" to attend, but deep down you feel like you'd rather rest. (Take the rest, girl)

I encourage to try this, once or twice a day, for a week or so and see how it feels. How will you know you're truly aligned? A sense of lightness + joy will come over you when you've made the aligned choice. Before you know it you'll be more in tune with your truest self than ever before.

So with all that said, may these next few months give you permission to slow down, turn inward and truly consider what is your truest self, your highest path, your most aligned life. It doesn't have to (and it won't) happen over night. Small steps, one leaf at a time, you'll continue to grow into the beautiful human that you're meant to be.

with love,


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